Tokyo Mew Mew Poker Face

YOU ARE READING. Tokyo Mew Mew KisshuxIchigo Fantasy. Aoyama cheated on Ichigo so she became depressed quickly. She, also realized she was in love with Kisshu who she hasn't seen in months.

Muwhahaha! Ihave finally gotten up the courage to write another mew story (myother is taking forever to write, I'm sorry!). K, I'm a HUGELettuce and Pai fan, so guess what this is about? But enough! Readthe prologue and LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK! As in, review! I knowthis might be hard to remember, so I'll re-mention it at thebottom. Enjoy!

Tokyo Mew Mew Poker Face

Oh,and there's IxK (ish) and PxT.

K,now you can read!

'Now,Ichigo!' Ryou's voice escalated above the loud roars of thecurrent Chimera Anima. The girls had been fighting it for the lastfifteen minutes, unable to properly wear it down. Minto and Zakuro'ssimultaneous attacks had finally temporarily stopped its rampage,leaving it vulnerable and open to Ichigo's finishing blow. 'Hurry!'he cried.

Ichigoran in front of the hideous creature, some mix between a sloth and afrog. 'Chimera Anima! You have destroyed a beautiful evening in thepark for romantic couples alike, and for this I will never forgiveyou! For your sins, you will pay!' Expertly jumping at least fivefeet higher than the easily one-story high creature, Ichigo'sattack rang out 'Ribbon, Strawberry, CHE-ack!'

Ryouglared in annoyance as his leading mew's attack was cut off by thegreen haired alien's intervention. The jerk cupped her cheek andwhispered softly, far too quiet for Ryou to hear. He mentally spouteda few choice profanities at the indecent alien. Whatever Kisshu said,Ichigo had not appreciated, because she immediately slapped his handaway and yelled, 'Kish! You bully!'

Thegreen alien immediately flew away laughing, safely out of her range.

Kisshu'sintervention had given the creature enough time to recuperate, and itwas now once again wrecking the place. 'Ichigo!' Mint yelled outto her companion, who was now fuming angrily on the ground. 'Quitflirting with the aliens and help us finish this job!'

'Iwas not flirting!' Ichigo shouted indignantly.

'MewMews, focus!' Ryou called. They're so easily led off track;sometimes I wonder how they ended up with the mew genes inthem.

BesidesIchigo and Mint, the others were doing pretty well.

Zakuro,always attentive, was whipping at the creature with a frustrated air.Every time her attack went for it, the frog part of the creaturewould nimbly jump out of range, and then strike out at her witheither its claws or tongue.

MewPudding was the most energetic out of all five of them. Jumping andkicking out at the quick mutation. She herself was an excellentfighter in the martial arts, though her attention was currently moreintent on the youngest alien, Tart, then actually defeating themonster.

Lastwas Lettuce. Though she had strong attacks and was agile enough forfighting, she was still constantly hanging back unless someone calledher up. Ryou admired her for her intelligence and willingness to helpand protect others, but her shy and clumsy attitude was beginning totest him one too many times.

Hequickly assessed the situation. If the girls didn't act soon, themonster would probably make it out of the park and towards the morebusy streets surrounding it.

'HeyTaru-Taru! After we're done fighting today, do you want to comeover and play? You could be a butler at the café!'

'Areyou dumb in the head, midget? I'd never play with you! I'll smackthat stupid grin right off your face! Chimera Anima, get her!'

Thecreature took one last half-hearted swipe at Zakuro before turningtowards the yellow mew. It let out a shrieking croak as it slinkedover to her. Pudding giggled as she easily dodged this way and thataway from the attacks, calling out taunts and playful jeers at boththe creature and Tart.

Tokyo Mew Mew Characters

'Pudding,fall back!' Zakuro called from a farther back standpoint. The ragethat the little blond was putting the mutation into was plausible,but the mew only cast minor attacks at it, refusing to give up herplay by actually killing it. The purple mew, who wanted to kill it soshe could make it to her photo-shoot, wasn't willing to chance herattack and accidently hit her companion. 'Pudding, get out of therenow!'

Ifthe little girl heard her friend, she didn't show it.

One extra high jump in the air gave Pudding the freedom to tauntTaruto with summersaults and erratic movements. But apparently thebrown-haired alien had had enough. 'Get her, NOW!'

Thecreature's mouth opened, but this time its tongue whipped out aslimy substance. It flew through the air until it hit Mew Pudding'sfeet. 'Hey!' She tried to kick the substance off, but it stuckher legs together like glue. The sloth-frog's claw began to make abone-breaking swipe towards the helpless girl.

'Pudding!'Mew Lettuce jumped to her in a flash. Quickly grabbing the little Mewup and out of reach of the razor claw, Lettuce made a break for thetrees so she could have some cover. Zakuro didn't miss a beat afterthe other two were out of the way. The giant swipe keeled thecreature off balance, giving her the perfect opportunity. 'Ribbon,Zakuro, SPHERE!'

Thewhip grabbed and intertwined itself with the hideous mutation,cutting into its flesh as it held the creature firmly in place.'Ichigo!' Ryou glanced at the still occupied mew, 'Quitbickering! Attack it NOW!'

Ichigoglanced at her employer with an annoyed air, but nevertheless jumpedback to action, this time with Mint as back-up. 'Right. Okay youmonster! Ribbon, Strawberry, CHECK!'

Ina spectacular display of lights the monster dissolved in mereseconds.

Finally,it took them long enough. The employer thought with relief. Ryouglanced around at his team to ensure that everyone was all right.Pudding was cheering loudly from Lettuce's arms, while Lettuceherself looked to be grimacing slightly from how loud Pudding wasbeing. Zakuro looked fine, but was briskly walking towards the treesand the exit of the park. Her photo-shoot, that's where she'sheading. Mint was gazing at her idol wistfully, but stayed withthe group none-the-less.

Itseemed to Ryou that only he and Ichigo were still aware that theirenemy was still present. The pink mew was glaring up at the floatingduo just then. 'Get lost, jerks! You're beat!'

Tarutolooked disgruntled at the comment, but his attention was still morefocused on the obnoxious Pudding. Kisshu leaned down and gave Ichigoa fanged smile. 'You only think we're beat, kitty. But soon we'llhit you with something you can't possibly beat. Until next time!'

Tarutogave one last disdainful glance at the group of girls. 'Laterlosers!' Then they both were gone.

'Jerks!'Ichigo called after them.

Ryoushook his head. The only people who can possibly save the worldfrom Cyniclon take-over are all below the age of twenty and aresuffering from mood swings. He looked over to Lettuce. 'Retasu,is Pudding okay?'

Thetwo mews were now working hard on getting the sticky gunk off ofPudding's legs, but with little progress. 'She's fine,Ryou-san!'

'Puddingfeels like she's covered in sticky syrup!' Pudding added foreffect.

Ryousighed, a faint smile playing on his features. 'All right. Greatwork everyone, let's head back to the café.'

Kishwatched from the trees as the mews and the café owner left thescene. In less than a few minutes the park resumed an air ofnormalness. Ichigo, you have no clue what we have in store foryour team.

Heteleported to a construction sight a small ways away. He found Paimessing with more wires and mechanical devices that currentlymonitored a large tank holding a small black blob. Taruto floated alittle ways away, sitting cross-legged with one hand propped to holdhis head up. The alien perked slightly when he saw Kisshu. Thebattle ended less than it takes for those girls to get back to thecafé and he's already bored. Kish mentally shook his head withamusement. That kid needs a hobby.

'Kish!Did the girls try anything?' Taruto hovered over to him, intent toforce something interesting out of the green-haired alien's mouth.

Kisshusaw Pai's ear twitch slightly towards them and knew he also waslistening in. 'Nothing.' He said with a grin. 'They'recompletely oblivious to our scheme. Well, Pai's scheme, actually.'

Thealien nodded his head in confirmation, already focused back on hisinvention.

Tarutowasn't okay with the lack of action in Kish's statement. 'Sothe mews are clueless? How can they be so dumb! I mean, wasn't itobvious we were trying to distract them?' His intent littleeyes echoed exactly what he wanted to hear: Say somethinginteresting Kish! Anything!

Itwas Pai who spoke. 'Taruto, Tokyo Mew Mew's goal is to protectthe 'innocents' of their planet. Although their blond leader issmart, I don't think he has a clue what we're up to.'

'Yep,and when they do figure it out, it'll be too late.' Kish added.

Theconversation finally seemed to fill Taruto's interest. 'Heh,that's right! I can't wait to pull a fast one on that stupidmonkey girl!'

I'msure. Kish thought with a smirk.

'You'dbetter not intervene in trying to save Mew Ichigo, Kisshu.' Paicautioned. 'I won't have your love life interrupting ourtake-over much longer.'

Kishfelt a stab of irritation at his companion. 'Hey, don't worryabout me, Pai. I'll just be you and pretend I'm anemotionless jerk when I see the person I love.'

Pai'semotionless mask raised an eyebrow. 'I love no one, Kisshu. Unlikesome other comrades I could mention.' He turned away from hisflustered companions.

Tokyo Mew Mew Wiki

Kishsmiled a dark grin. 'Retasu.'

Tokyo Mew Mew Poker Face

Pai'sright ear twitched.

'Retasu,the green Mew known as Mew Lettuce, the finless porpoise.'

Theoldest alien turned and regarded Kish with a blank face, his earstill twitching. 'The green Mew only has my interest in thesole reason that her DNA response to the Mew Aqua is stronger thanthe others, it also is so adapt to her genetic structure that it isable to partly transform her being into something more familiarizedto her surroundings. Those are the only ways that she couldever interest me.' He turned back to his work, ear still twitchingaway.

'Ifyou say so, Pai.' Kish turned away. Probably doesn't evenadmit it to himself. At least I'm honest! He regardedhis small brown-haired companion, who seemed to not know what to makeof the situation. 'Let's head back to the ship for now, Tart.We'll catch you later, Pai.'

Paididn't turn away from his work in farewell. He just allowed himselfto become absorbed in his work once again, free from Kisshu's manydistractions.

Hisear kept twitching.

Tokyo Mew Mew Muscle

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