Cavity Backed Slot Antenna Theory

A cavity-backed resonant slot array-Theory and measurement Abstract: An antenna is described which consists of a broadside array of half-wavelength slots backed by a single cavity containing a filter that allows resonance with a mode suitable for the excitation of the array. Usually the spiral is cavity-backed, that is there is a cavity of air or non-conductive material or vacuum, surrounded by conductive walls; the cavity changes the antenna pattern to a unidirectional shape. The output of the antenna is a balanced line.


This paper proposes a new wideband W-band substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) cavity-backed slot (CBS) antenna. The SIW cavity suppresses the backward radiation and ensures this antenna have a very low profile (only about 4% of the operating wavelength). Several techniques, such as slot resonator with semicircular end, quarter-wavelength microstrip resonator, are introduced to improve impedance matching. The studied results demonstrate that this antenna has wide operating bandwidth in 54.3–67 GHz (about 20.9% of the fractional bandwidth), unidirectional radiation pattern and good linear polarization characteristic. These properties are very suitable for RF front-end system-on-package (SoP) design in millimeter wave wireless communication systems.

Cavity Backed Spiral Antenna

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Cavity backed slot antenna

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Cavity Backed Slot

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