Black Tailed Jack Rabbits Predators

Desert Duets: Black-tailed Jackrabbit Info Web Page

Information about Black-tailed Jackrabbits

Nov 27, 2017  The black-tailed jackrabbit can be found on brushlands, prairies, and meadows. They are often associated with pastures that have been grazed by livestock. Unlike other animals that need dense brush cover, jackrabbits use the high visibility of pasturelands to spot predators before they spot them. Some of the jackrabbits most harmful predators are coyotes, mountain lions, bobcats, foxes, hawks, eagles, owls, blue jays, crows, snakes and man. The jackrabbits’ sharp senses, camouflage, and fast running speeds are their only protection.

Do you know how jackrabbitsgot their name? Their long ears reminded people of donkey ears so they called them 'jack ass rabbits.' (Another name for donkey is 'jack ass.') Fortunately, that name didn't stick, and their name was shortened to 'jackrabbit.'

Black-tailed jackrabbits are also known as the 'Desert Hare.' Like other hares, they do not make burrows or spend any of their time underground. You can recognize a black-tailed jackrabbit by its long black-tipped ears and its black-tipped tail. Their ears are 4 to 5 inches long (10 to 13 cm). Their ears help them cool off in the desert heat.

Jackrabbits and other hares are different from rabbits. They do not build underground burrows or nests on top of the ground. Instead, they scrape a shallow hole in the dirt called a 'form' They make a form under a bush or tree and rest there during the day. Mother jackrabbits give birth to their babies in the form.

Black tailed jackrabbit habitat

Black-tailed jackrabbits have several ways to protect themselves from their enemies. They use their excellent sense of hearing to listen for predators. With their long, powerful hind legs, they can make leaps of up to 20 feetand can run up to 45 mphwhen they are escaping from coyotes, bobcats, and foxes. They are the fastest of all the hares.

Black-tailed jackrabbits are vegetarians. They eat cactus, mesquite tree beans, juniper berries, grasses, and crops planted by people in gardens and fields. They rarely drink because they get most of their water from the food they eat.

If you see a black-tailed jackrabbit in the desert, you will know why some people call them 'los grandes.' These are some huge hares!

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Launched: February 2008
Updated: 26 March 2017


Black Tailed Jack Rabbit Information

The Black-Tailed Jackrabbit is located throughout the southwestern United States and parts of Mexico, mostly in desert and sagebrush habitats.


The diet of the Black-Tailed Jackrabbit consists of cacti, sagebrush, grasses, clover and other plants.


Black Tailed Jackrabbit Diet

Black-Tailed Jackrabbits do not dig burrows to dwell in. Rather, they prefer to sleep above ground to be able to hear predators that may be near.

Black Tailed Jack Rabbits Predators


Approximate size of a Black-Tailed Jackrabbit:20 - 24 inches in length.

Black Tailed Jackrabbit Description

Average weight of a Black-Tailed Jackrabbit:Weight is approximately 7 - 8 lbs.


Black Tailed Jackrabbit Size

The pregnancy period of a female lasts between 30 - 45 days. Each litter will usually consist of 2 - 6 young. The mating season lasts year round.